Fontefloor PU Cem - designet for matindustrien

Fontefloor PU Cem - Outstanding flooring protection

Betonggulv i matproduksjon og andre industrianlegg må være både hygieniske og slitesterke. Gulv i disse miljøene kan bli utsatt for hard slitasje, kjemiske utslipp og termiske støt, noe belegningssystemene må være i stand til å tåle. Det er viktig at gulvets egenskaper og strenge hygienekrav opprettholdes over tid for å beskytte produkter og personell.

Viser tikkurila fontefloor pu cem

Outstanding temperature resistance

The system has excellent resistance to thermal shocks and permanent water loading and can withstand hot liquids up to 120°C as well as constant temperatures from -20°C to +90°C depending on the layer thickness.

Minimized maintenance downtime

Surfaces are ready to be used just 24–36 hours after application, depending on the ambient temperature. Because the Fontefloor PU Cem coating system is solvent free, it has a low odor and can therefore be applied while the facility is in operation. Chemical resistance can be achieved in 48 hours depending on ambient conditions.

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Application areas

  • Dairies (milk & cheese processing)
  • Meat, fish, and vegetable processing
  • Bakeries
  • Industrial kitchens, cooking areas
  • Breweries
  • Refineries (crude oil, copper, zinc, nickel, aluminum)
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing, packing and research
  • Hospital operating rooms

Fontefloor PU Cem is a multi-component, polyurethane concrete floor coating system. Coated surfaces are non-slip under wet or dry conditions. The system dries to a matt finish and is available in five colors to create a clean, professional look.  

Want to hear more about Fontefloor PU Cem? Tikkurila's experts are always here to help you. 

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